Thursday, May 7, 2009

And in the category of 'Pretending to be Killed by a Harmless Medical Proceure,' the winner is...

After some procrastination on my part it was time for Red's annual heartworm test, and with the snake bites as a motivator I took Red in to the see the vet on Monday. After a quick look at Red's nose area, since he seemed to be tender there, it was decided to put him on a round of antibiotics just to be on the safe side since he got bitten so many times. Red was excited because it meant twice daily spoon fulls of peanut butter to conceal the pills in!

Now for the fun part of the visit! Red has built somewhat of a reputation at the vet's for being, just a wee bit overly dramatic. Thankfully he doesn't have an aggressive bone in his body, but even the smallest attempt at being restrained sends him into a panic attack. We've tried the less is more approach and also the opposite, and even the anxiety meds approach, but it all really comes down to wrangling him till he gives in.

Sometimes we luck out, but Monday was not one of those days. After his best impression of a bucking bronco when we attempted to draw blood from his back leg, we gave up and moved to the front leg. The vet took his leg in her hand and readied the needle in the other and prepared to slide the needle under his skin when Red started yelping and crying and literally flailing around like a toddler throwing a tantrum.

The vet, vet tech, and I all just got silent and then the vet goes, "But Red I didn't even touch you with the needle yet!" And I swear to you, Red stopped flailing around, looked down at his arm which had no needle in it and stopped. Hahahahahahahahaha! It was as if he could understand the vet and totally realized that he had been busted totally faking being in pain! Ha ha! We all just died laughing and right after that he let her stick him and draw his blood. I'm thinking that he was feeling a little embarrassed! Haha!

Don't listen to her! It was a big ginormous needle and it hurt really really badly! I'm telling you the truth, I swear!!!

Luckily once this was all over Red was back to his silly happy self boucing around the vet's office looking for the office kitty to give a few friendly nose pokes to! On our way home I decided to take a detour to a little community called Fearrington Village, to stop and take Red for a walk around their cute little community.

 We quickly came upon a very scary site...something that sends shivers down any dogs spine...stone sheep sculptures. Yes, my dog was afraid of the stone sheep.

Red quickly went into bad guy woofing mode...
Danger! Danger! There is a scary herd of grey sheep ahead! Run away, run away!

For a dog willing to take a snake head on, Red is quite the wuss when it comes to encounters with unfamiliar things, haha! Red made it clear he needed some time to think about the scary sheep before we could approach them, so we went around the pond and stopped at the small creek.

Once we made it back around to the sheep, Red had moved into a more curious frame of mind in regards to the sheep, so after some circling and reassurement that the sheep would not in fact eat him, he moved in to give them a good sniffing. guys are some shady looking sheep, and I don't trust you one bit!
 Never underestimate the power of yummy duck whiff of those and Red threw his caution to the wind and hopped atop one of the sheep!

::yawn:: These sheep aren't even real, why didn't you tell me this from the beginning!

I look good from up here!

We should visit these sheepies more often, they make great lookout towers!

Once he realized the herd of sheep couldn't eat him he had a blast taking in all the sights and smells. When we finished visiting the sheep and walking around the pond, we headed over to visit the Belted Galloway cows and the guard donkey, which I will post about tomorrow!

**Thanks to PiedmontAnimalAlliance for the post title and for always having the best captions!**


Anonymous said...

Very, very funny! The trip to the Vet was hilarious! You're my kinda dog Red. Hey, those sheep would've startled me at first too! Woof, Tank

StellaStar said...

*wishing Red a speedy recovery from his traumatic vet experience* (perhaps an Academy Award is on order?)

Anonymous said...

Animals are funny. I rode a white horse once that was really brave except when it came to other white horses. Red is a total character! I just love reading about all of his antics

Anonymous said...

Fun and funny. (Molly)

The Oceanside Animals said...

I think Red was just very wisely being cautiously on the lookout for Medusa, who had obviously been in the area recently turning sheep to stone. Poor, poor sheep.

Mary said...

More reasons why we love you Red: You're a drama queen at heart!


ACO461 said...

I love it! Red your awesome!

I love reading and looking at the great pics of the Mafiosos and now your blog!!

Beautiful Pics!!!

Ok shameless plug for my own blog inserted here, but be warned I have LAME pics I get from the internet!
You've got a great blog here!!!!

Anonymous said...

Red, never trust a sheep in concrete clothing....