Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Red wanted to send Happy 4th of July wishes to all his blog friends!! It's that time of year again for fun, food, and fireworks...the latter of which sends Red into a crazed barking frenzy! Yay for me! Haha!

Red pulled out his patriotic flag bandana and doggles and enjoyed strutting his stuff around the backyard!

You know, I don't get out of bed for anything less than one cookie per shot...

Alright, alright! You drive a hard bargain!
He really knows how to work that catwalk! Haha!

What do you mean there are no more cookies! I can't work under these conditions!

After some pleading and Red negotiating a cheese slice with dinner, he decided he could pose for just one more shot...

Happy 4th of July everyone! Hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday!


The Oceanside Animals said...

Happy 4th to you, too -- looking good, Red!

StellaStar said...

Hahaha! Red drives a hard bargain. He's lucky you're so nice. Love the photographs...and I can't get enough of those doggles!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hay Red this is Jake. You sure do look like you are proud to be an American dog. Hope you had a happy 4th of July.

Daisy Dog said...

Hey Red nice shots. I am not sure if any amount of cookies could persuade me to wear goggles!